Jacket / Sweater - Black - with Black content with fur

289,00 zł

New product

Made of high quality Spanish yarn. Inside there is a warm VELVET fabric. Warm sweater can be used with a transition jacket.

LAttante sweater is packed in an elegant company with a gift box.

Warning !! The hat is sold personally !!!

available in 24 hours.

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Jacket / Sweater - Black - with Black content with fur

Jacket / Sweater - Black - with Black content with fur

Made of high quality Spanish yarn. Inside there is a warm VELVET fabric. Warm sweater can be used with a transition jacket.

LAttante sweater is packed in an elegant company with a gift box.

Warning !! The hat is sold personally !!!

available in 24 hours.

Lattante - All rights reserved

Design and execution imoli.pl